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Selectmen Minutes 01/13/2009

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 13, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Department Heads present: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director

Others present: Alan Mayville, Jamie Pike

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm

PD - Chief Clarke reported that Officer Wright has been accepted into the second round of Accident Reconstruction School and will be away for two weeks in February.  Upon completion, Officer Wright will be a certified accident re-constructionist.

Chief Clarke informed the Board that along with himself, Corporeal Corbett and Lisa will attend a preliminary meeting with Attorney Cairns regarding the LaFleur Lawsuit on Wednesday.  

HYW- Mr. Kenneally inquired about the process to adjust the Impact Fee Schedule as it relates to the roads disbursement.  It is Mr. Kenneallyís opinion that the roads are under funded.

 It was stated that review of this schedule is an annual function of the Planning Board.  Mr. Pike stated the PB discussed this update at the December meeting and voted not to have CNHRPC perform an update.  Chairman DeBold, also ex-officio on the PB stated he would bring this topic up for discussion again at the next meeting of the PB.

Mr. Kenneally reported he has hired a part-time plow driver who is available on nights and weekends.

The one-ton received the following repairs ñ in addition to the clutch, the power steering box; front u-joints and seals.  The oil pan was not replaced.

David submitted the specifications on the 1997 used Ford 6-wheel dump truck for sale at Liberty Trucks in Manchester.  During the boardís review the Board asked the following questions-
Any relief drivers available?   No, however David is aware of the safety of the drivers and tries to give breaks as often as possible.  This also helps keep overtime down.

Where will the money to purchase come from?             The winter fund, specifically the plowing line, this will change the bottom line of the highway budget with a reduction of $20,000.

The Board stated their opinions;

        Selectman Jordan feels the Road Agent is in a real conundrum not being able to find drivers but is not in favor of the town owning their own equipment.
Chairman DeBold is in favor of the purchase and pleased that the budget will be reduced as well.
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BOS minutes
January 13, 2009

        Selectman MacCleery is now in favor because David has found part-time drivers and because this purchase will lower the highway budget.  Selectman MacCleery moved the motion to purchase the 1997 Ford truck as presented on the submitted specs, Chairman DeBold seconded the motion.  The motion passed with a 2-1 vote.

Mr. Mayville asked to speak in regards to his outstanding invoice the Board is holding for plowing he performed at the request of the Road Agent. It was not Mr. Mayvilleís intention to make this permanent; he helped the town out when they had nobody else.  As far as he was concerned this evening, the Board could keep the money and put it where they want. Mr. Mayville stated the Board is acting like cowards and bullies.

Selectman MacCleery was adamant that a letter of discipline be placed in the Road Agentís file for failing to notify the Board of Mr. Mayvilleís hiring.  Mr. Mayville and Mr. Kenneally argued that Chairman DeBold was aware of it.  Chairman DeBold did acknowledge that Mr. Kenneally in his phone call to him to report Mr. Vienís injury, did mention he may have to hire Mr. Mayville in lieu of the pending snowstorm.  Chairman DeBold stated that no policy had been violated to necessitate such action and this conversation was a discussion for the Board at a later time.

Mr. Kenneally repeated that Mr. DeBold was aware but he, Mr. Kenneally, did not notify the Board officially.  Selectman Jordan stated that changed things a bit and David countered that regardless, he had the right to do what he did, and he did what was best for this town.  Selectman Jordan finalized by stating he did not believe three inches of snow was an emergency.  

Selectman MacCleery stated he believes anyone working for the town deserves to be paid but the chain of command was not followed in this case.

EMD -   Mr. Martell informed the Board that he and the Road Agent will be attending the mandatory FEMA meeting to apply for reimbursement from the recent Ice Storm.

Mr. Martell purchased and donated twenty-four blankets for use at the emergency shelter.  Thank you Mr. Martell.

FD - Chief Vien submitted letters of resignation from John & Betsey Uitts.  They are retiring from active service and we thank them for all their contributions to the department.

A recent backup problem of the septic system at the Safety building necessitated the locating and pumping of the septic tank.

Chief Vien informed the Board that to date the Rescue Equipment Special Revenue Fund has enough money to pay both outstanding payments and recommended the town payoff the ambulance early.  Lisa was directed to call for a payoff figure.

Chairman DeBold inquired that, in light of the recent tragedy in Boston Massachusetts, has the Chief insured that all fire trucks have been checked by a certified mechanic.

Selectman Jordan asked the Road Agent to meet with him to discuss the Esteís mailbox.

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BOS minutes
January 13, 2009

Mr. Vien voiced his displeasure at the comment made to the Board last week by the Road Agent, insinuating that Mr. Vien was faking his injury.  Mr. Vien questioned whether the Board should have held such a discussion in non-public session.  Chairman DeBold stated he had no thoughts what so ever that the accident was purposely done.  The other Board members echoed that sentiment.   To answer Mr. Vienís question, yes employee matters should be handled in non-public session.   The single comment made by the Road Agent concerning Mr. Vien, was made without providing opportunity to enter into non-public session.  

SUBJECT: Building Inspector interviews

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to enter into non-public session at 7:45pm, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3,II,b, for the purpose of conducting interviews for hiring a public employee.
The Chairman called for the vote, Jordan ñ yes; MacCleery ñ yes; DeBold ñyes.  Motion passes.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan to come out of non-public session at 9:50pm.  The Chairman called for the vote, Jordan ñ yes; MacCleery ñ yes, DeBold ñ yes.  Motion passes.

References will be checked for two candidates and further discussion by the Board is scheduled for next week.

Motion to seal the minutes for five (5) years, Chairman DeBold, second by Selectman MacCleery.  Motion passed unanimously.  


The Board accepted the resignations from John & Betsey Uitts with regret.
The Board discussed the revenue projections for clarification of where the revenues are lacking.  It is not that the revenues are down this year but rather there is no longer a ìsurplusî to draw from to use to lower the tax rate.  The fund is at the recommended minimum level per the Department of Revenue.  Revenue estimates are no longer projected on the high side and the budgeting process has been refined to the point of no room for error in funding.

The Board reviewed a bid for the remaining surplus office computer from Mark Cutting for $100.  The Board was in favor of selling the computer to Mr. Cutting provided the broken PC in the lobby only needed a replacement part.  The Boardís wish was to retain one computer for spare parts.  

Selectman Jordan mentioned a water drainage problem at the Passler residence on Horse Corner Road.  Lisa will forward the information to the Road Agent.

The Board was not in favor of the proposed cover for the annual report and requested that the photos be placed on the inside pages.

The Board discussed the need to appoint a committee for the Rte 28 Corridor project and delegated the appointment of these committee members to the Planning Board.
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BOS minutes
January 13, 2009

Chairman DeBold submitted a written proposal to the Board for their consideration to establish an Economic Development Committee to promote business development within the townís commercial districts.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed with the exception of the Mayville invoice. The Selectman asked for clarification as to the hourly rate for repairs to the equipment.  

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:08PM.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                                    Approved As Corrected
Administrator                                                                           1/20/09

______________________           _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan